Āgenskalns market and its adjacent territory is the center of Āgenskalns neighborhood with an active flow of people and traffic, which is why a project was developed and implemented improving the forecourt outdoor space, making it a pleasant and accessible environment for the community.

Instead of a car parking lot, a new pedestrian zone was created, which was marked with a decorative plastic geometrical color on the surface of the existing area matching the bricks of the market building, landscaping elements and greenery. The main function of the forecourt of the market is planned to ensure comfortable and safe pedestrian movement, maintaining the possibility of making deliveries in the market area.

The improved territory consists of several zones – the forecourt of the market building, which is allocated to changing environmental and art objects; on the side of the road away from the market building, there are public transport stops and a resting area with benches, green boxes, a water filling station and an info stand; on the side of the street from the entrance gate of the market is the multi-functional area where benches with urban sport elements are placed.


    Urban planning & public space

  • TEAM

    LAAGA ARCHITECTS: Madara Gibze, Paulis Gibze,
    Signe Pērkone and Katrīna Marta Peizuma
    ALPS landscape workshop: Ilze Rukšāne
    Functional designer: Aiga Beinaroviča
    Spatial visualizations: Mārtiņš Ziemanis


    Āgenskalns, Riga, Latvia

  • TIME

    2019. - 2021. y.


    1 520 m²